Palliative care and cancer organisations unite

Categories: In The Media.

“2014 is a key year for embedding palliative care in development debates and striving for improved access to and availability of palliative care services for all,” writes Dr Torode in a blog for EAPC about the overlapping goals of cancer control and palliative care advocacy.

In the article, Dr Torode also explains why UICC is proud to be a founding partner to the Prague Charter– a document calling for governments to recognise palliative care as a human right- and encourages others to sign up to the Charter.

Highlighting the issue of access to pain relief as a fundamental of cancer control for all countries, she writes: “I am often asked where do we start on a national cancer control plan? I respond – if you have nothing, start with tobacco control and palliative care services.”

Read the full article on the EAPC blog.

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