How to Provide Care During a Senior’s Final Stages of Life
Australia – Home Care Assistance
Caring for your senior loved one during his or her final life stages often involves a change in priorities. Here are some things you can do to make the passing easier for your loved one and the rest of the family.
Centre of Research Excellence in End of Life Care PhD Scholarship
Australia – Medical Futility Blog
The Australian Centre for Health Law Research at QUT is seeking a student to undertake a generously funded PhD on Law, Policy and/or Ethics, with a particular focus on regulation relevant to healthcare at the end of life.
New strategic plan 2017-2021 born in KEHPCA
ehospice Kenya
In the just concluded strategic plan meeting held at Grace House Resort from 3rd to 4th March 2016, the Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association (KEHPCA) staff and board members mainly focused on the implementation of change in various sections of the previous (2012-2016) strategic plan and implement the change in the new 2017-2021 strategic plan.
Lambano Sanctuary wins big at the Dinaledi Service Excellence Awards
ehospice South Africa
The Lambano Sanctuary received the Lawrence Pillay Special award from the Department of Health in December 2015.
How does spirituality contribute to palliative care?
ehospice UK
While the role of a chaplain is to provide spiritual care for those seeking a religious spirituality, there is an increasing move in our society towards a spirituality that is not religious.
Tuckson and Schumacher talk about the changing healthcare marketplace
ehospice USA
Reed Tuckson, MD talks with NHPCO’s Don Schumacher about some factors in the evolving healthcare environment and how they might impact hospice and palliative care.
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