‘Everything I do is writing’: Clive James
Australia – ABC News
Having been diagnosed with Leukemia in 2010, Clive James tells ABC’s Europe correspondent Philip Williams he is as surprised as any to still be writing and producing new work.
Head to Head: Would judicial consent for assisted dying protect vulnerable people?
UK – The BMJ
The private members’ bills presented by Charles Falconer and Rob Marris require a High Court judge to confirm decisions by doctors to approve assisted suicide. Jacky Davis thinks that this is sufficient to protect vulnerable people; Ilora Finlay does not.
‘British Mother Teresa’ in desperate cash plea to save African hospice charity
UK/Uganda – Yahoo News
Dr Anne Merriman is making a desperate cash plea to save Hospice Africa Uganda.
Waikato gets together to develop palliative care charter
New Zealand – Waikato Newsroom
Development of a strategic vision and plan for palliative care in the Waikato was launched at a project board meeting at Waiora Waikato hospital campus on 5 August.
Buildings around the world are Going Gold for childhood cancer in September
ehospice International Children’s
Childhood Cancer International (CCI) are calling upon all buildings, institutions, monument owners and authorities around the globe to programme their exterior illumination systems to gold on Tuesday 1 September or throughout the month of September to highlight childhood cancer.
Neonatal Bereavement Support Group making a difference to families in Yorkshire
ehospice International Children’s
Find out how a neonatal unit at Bradford Royal infirmary is leading the way in providing excellent multi-disciplinary bereavement support to affected families of different faiths and cultures in Yorkshire, England.
Training for Anglophone palliative care initiators
ehospice Africa
Hospice Africa Uganda has designed a special five-week training course, starting it’s ninth round from 19 October to 20 November, for English-speaking palliative care service initiators across sub-Saharan Africa.
Rural palliative care patients disadvantaged by poor access to primary health
ehospice Australia
A recent survey by New South Wales aged care provider the not-for-profit Whiddon Group has found access to primary health providers, including specialist palliative care, is a significant barrier for its rural and remote clients.
ehospice Ireland
With less than one month to go a major Irish conference on the theme “Dying to talk? – Conversations about End of Life”, the National Council of the Forum on End of Life in Ireland is offering members of the public a unique opportunity to pay tribute to someone special in their lives.
Cost savings associated with inpatient palliative care
ehospice USA
Researchers have published a study sharing results about cost savings based on the first two years of the Mount Sinai Hospital’s inpatient palliative care unit.
Meet the team behind feature documentary Seven Songs for a Long Life
ehospice UK
The documentary film Seven Songs for a Long Life is due to be screened across the UK during Hospice Care Week (5 to 11 October 2015). ehospice caught up with the team behind the film to find out more.
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