Canterbury researchers surveying people in palliative care
Yahoo News New Zealand
The University of Canterbury’s School of Health Sciences is appealing for people to take part in interviews to help understand the context of end of life and palliative care in the community.
Editorial issues a call to action for end of life care of older adults in nursing homes
US – Medical Xpress
With more than one in four older Americans dying in a nursing home – including 70 percent of Americans with advanced dementia – an editorial published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association calls for bold action to improve the care and support provided to dying nursing home patients and their families.
Kamloops mom with terminal cancer spearheads photo project depicting life with the disease
Canada – Global News
Along with enjoying every moment with her two girls, 37-year-old Kendra Brown is launching a unique fundraising project to help other patients like her have a chance at a cure.
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