Improving Patient-Centred Care
US − Advance Health Care Network
Promoting generalist and specialist level palliative care is a major step towards changing hospital culture.
The Indian Association of Palliative Care Launches Viral ‘Last Words’ Video
India −
A new campaign to raise awareness of the importance of palliative care is starting important conversations about “the end.”
Better endings: a review of end-of-life services
UK – Nursing Times
A review was undertaken to pull together the findings from a variety of research studies into the quality, organisation and delivery of end-of-life services
Australia – Care Search
With over 1.2 billion people now accessing mobile applications, the role of the app has become multidimensional. For healthcare professionals working in palliative care, searching, evaluating, identifying, and downloading relevant apps is a time-consuming pastime which often yields few results.
Are genograms a fundamental aspect of specialist palliative care assessment?
Europe – EAPC blog
As a clinical nurse specialist in palliative care working in an integrated specialist service, I wanted to advance and promote a practice that made me feel excited and enthusiastic to share with the team. I finally chose as my MA topic the use of genograms (a pictorial display of a person’s family relationships and medical history) for specialist palliative care assessment.
Research into the economic burden of families of children with life-limiting conditions
ehospice International Children’s edition
The Irish Times recently published an interesting article about the economic burdens faced by families of children with life-limiting conditions.
Perinatal bereavement care – building the body of research in Ireland
ehospice Ireland
Grace O’Sullivan, Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme Coordinator, Irish Hospice Foundation, explains how national policy has strengthened the development of a palliative care approach for women, babies and families experiencing loss and grief in Ireland as part of a series commissioned by EAPC.
Strengthening integration of Palliative Care in Coastal Region
ehospice Kenya
A study conducted by UNICEF, on Assessment of the Need for Palliative Care for Children in 2013 in Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa indicates that very few children with palliative care needs get the necessary support. In Kenya less than 1% of children with palliative care needs accessed the services.
The importance of a careworker
ehospice South Africa
As we build up to World TB Day, over the past two weeks we have highlighted success stories with regards to TB and how hospice intervention has really made an impact in a positive way towards the patient receiving the care.
Funding confirmed for Marie Curie home care service in Northern Ireland
ehospice UK
Funding of £285,000, which will ensure the continuation of the Marie Curie extended Rapid Response Service (RRS), has been announced by Northern Ireland’s Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.
Building Physician/Executive Leadership
ehospice USA
“Building an Exceptional Physician/Executive Leadership Team” is a special one day workshop offered by NHPCO in collaboration with the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Physicians that will help hospice physicians and executive leaders build an effective working relationship.
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