World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 24 November 2015

Categories: In The Media.

Continuous deep sedation viable for advanced cancer patients in palliative setting

US – Cancer Therapy Advisor

Continuous deep sedation does not shorten life and should be considered a viable option for patients with advanced cancer being cared for in a palliative setting, according to a study published online ahead of print in The Lancet Oncology.

Grief is different for everyone

Canada – New Glasgow News

After almost six months away, I walked in the door of our family home in the wee hours of Wednesday morning to a silent, haunting realization. Dad is really gone, writes Ian Bos.

The value of creative flair in hospice care

UK – Huffington Post

At first glance many people may not readily associate creativity, or indeed the arts, with end of life care, writes Hospice UK’s director of policy and advocacy, Jonathan Ellis.

Committee will look at living wills legislation next year

Cayman Islands – Cayman 27

The Councillor for health says lawmakers will consider legislation to account for a person’s last wishes. Right now, persons with advanced directives can’t be guaranteed that their end of life wishes will be honoured if they become unable to communicate.

Desires for end of life care similar across ethnicities

US – Medscape

What kind of care do you want at the end of your life? Stanford University researchers put that question to members of three major ethnic groups in the San Francisco Bay area and found little variation in their responses.

Creating a place to talk about death: Death Cafe London

UK – Pallimed

Lizzy Miles and Jon Underwood reflect on the growth of the Death Cafe movement over the past four years and the current crowdfunding share offer to establish a physical café space in London, known as Death Cafe London.

Swazi patient in palliative care gets to write his exams

ehospice International Children’s

The heart warming story of a young Swazi boy’s determination to write his year-end exams while being cared for at the Hope House Hospice in Manzini.

Getting end of life care right for people living with dementia

ehospice UK

Marie Curie is hosting a seminar in Edinburgh today entitled ‘Breaking the barriers to care: dementia at the end of life’. The charity’s policy and public affairs manager for Scotland, Susan Lowes, writes for ehospice about the challenges that people with dementia face at the end of life.

Giving birth to the Gatundu pain control initiative

ehospice Kenya

The Thika Palliative Care Team initiated palliative care training in Gatundu Level 4 Hospital with support from KEPHCA, building on this year’s world hospice and palliative care day ‘Hidden Lives Hidden Patients’

Using theater to reach the community

ehospice USA

Hospice Foundation of America offers organizations a unique way to engage with the local community and increase awareness of issues involved at the end of life.

Reflecting on the arts and hospice care at Hospice UK’s annual conference

ehospice UK

At Hospice UK’s conference earlier this month Nigel Hartley, CEO at Earl Mountbatten Hospice, spoke about the importance of creativity in hospice care for patients, staff and leaders. Antonia Bunnin, director of hospice support and development at Hospice UK, reflects on Nigel’s session.

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