World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 25 April 2016

Categories: In The Media.

Rapid-Response System Enhances Palliative Care, Lowers Cost 

US – Onclive

A collaborative patient reported outcome (PRO)-based care approach resulted in better outpatient symptom management and a decrease in end-of-life hospitalizations and costs for late-stage cancer patients.

Prescription for Death: Pro-Life Canadian Doctors Want to Inform Patients about Euthanasia

Canada – Christ’s Faithful Witness

The doctors conferred. My mother was dying, they concluded.

End of life health care myths to know

US – Newsday

Ideally, each of us would be able to make our own health care decisions throughout our lives. But in reality, many will have at least a limited period of time when we are unable to communicate our health care choices. 

Marin Voice: Having the conversation about end-of-life planning

 US –

Let’s face it; talking about end-of-life care and decision-making isn’t something at the top of anyone’s list.

Hospice has no age barrier to care

South Africa – HPCA

“Hospice is only for the old and dying” they say, well in many ways that is incorrect. Hospice does not discriminate against anyone in terms of age, and Chatsworth hospice is a perfect example of that.

Palliative care underutilized in stroke patients

US – healio

Review of patients with ischemic stroke found that palliative care is not utilized in a majority of cases, according to research presented at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting.

Religious Understandings of a Good Death in Hospice Palliative Care

US – New DDL

Explores how religious understandings of death are experienced in hospice care.

Q&A with the HOD for Fundraising of Highway Hospice John’o Olds

ehospice South Africa

In continuation with our #HospiceVisits drive we are now in the fourth week of publishing the amazing success stories, moments and facts we have been able to gather during our three day trip in Durban. This week the focus is on Highway Hospice.

The power of pets’ companionship and cuddles

ehospice UK

As April marks National Pets Month, St Catherine’s Hospice in Crawley celebrates the support their Pets as Therapy (PAT) volunteers provide to patients and their family and friends.

Canines and childhood cancer

ehospice international children’s edition

The Holidog Times recently published an interesting article about a new study to prove the healing power of therapy dogs for children with cancer.

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