World hospice and palliative care news roundup – 6 February 2015

Categories: In The Media.

Don’t forget health when you talk about human rights

The Lancet

The Lancet editorial notes: “It is a pity that HRW did not identify health as a core element in its analysis, not only as part of a comprehensive package of human rights protections but also as a necessary component of resilient human security.”

Will the axe fall on another painkiller?

Pallium India

China has asked the international control system to bring in international scheduling of ketamine, which would decrease its availability all over the world and the net result would be an increase in the pain burden. In such discussions, we always forget the principle of balance – ensuring access for pain relief, while preventing abuse and diversion. 

Access to Opioid Medication in Europe (ATOME) comes to an end ­– ­but the work goes on…

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Newsletter

The project investigated why opioid medicines for moderate to severe pain and for the treatment of opioid dependence are not used adequately in 12 European countries, and developed tailor-made solutions for improved access to opioid medicines in these countries.

Funding for aged and palliative care collaborations

Australian Ageing Agenda

Aged care facilities across Australia will receive Commonwealth funding to form collaborative links with palliative care services to cater for older people from diverse situations including those who are homeless or live in remote areas.

Specialty of the month – palliative medicine

UK – Royal College of Physicians

Dr Eleni Tsiompanou from Princess Alice Hospice was one of a number of experts interviewed for this article on palliative medicine and the work of palliative physicians.

Despite impending ruling on assisted death, we need better palliative care

Canada – The Globe and Mail

No matter what the Supreme Court of Canada decides in Friday’s expected ruling on physician-assisted death, one thing won’t change: We need better palliative care for the dying and their grieving families. 

Hospice palliative care champion Sharon Carstairs accepts the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada’s Excellence in Advocacy award

ehospice Canada

The Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC) is pleased to award their third annual Award of Excellence in Advocacy to the Honourable Sharon Carstairs, P.C.

Palliative care in paediatrics – where do you start?

ehospice Internatioal children’s edition

A helpful blog written for Pallimed by Allie Shukraft, a paediatric palliative care social worker, looks at how her team works to build a relationship of trust with patients and their families in an inpatient setting.

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