The impact of a new public health approach to end-of-life care
Libby Sallnow is a clinician and doctoral researcher at St Joseph’s Hospice, London, and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Here, she explains the background to her longer research article selected as ‘Editor’s choice’ in the March issue of Palliative Medicine.
Learning to Die, by Brother David Steindl-Rast
US – Parabola
The only point where one can start to talk about anything, including death, is where one finds oneself.
Editorial: Don’t forget palliative treatment
Canada – Ottawa Citizen Editorial Board
An end to suffering and a dignified death: that’s what federal legislation on assisted dying is supposed to achieve. But the law now being crafted will fall short unless Parliament and the provinces act decisively on a key issue for which there is some agreement among political parties: strengthening palliative care.
Cancer with no pain meds? The tragedy of India’s painkiller shortage
India – Raw Story
Forty-year old Nagamani struggles to sit against the cot beside which she sleeps on a blazing afternoon in Beeramguda, a town on the rocky outskirts of the South Indian city of Hyderabad. As her family shuffles around the single-room cement house, clearing space to arrange three plastic chairs, the late-stage cancer patient collapses, a tiny heap on the floor.
Study Reveals Impact of Metastatic Cancer and Ability to Work
US – Oncology Times
Insight into cancer survivors’ work lives—their ability to remain employed and the obstacles they face—is growing and informing survivorship care, but little has been known specifically about metastatic cancer and its impact on patients’ ability to continue working when they need or want to.
In the last months or days, these treatments can make things worse
US – The Washington Post
Medical advances bring the promise of extending life, but some of the treatments used in a person’s last months, weeks or days — such as CPR for failing hearts, dialysis for failing kidneys and feeding tubes for those unable to nourish themselves — often do not provide more time and can worsen quality of life.
Australia – The Huffington Post
A new report by the Australian Centre for Health Research found 90 percent of Australians said it was important to talk about their end of life care wishes, yet less than 30 percent of people had actually had that conversation.
Integrating Long-Term Care into a Community-Based Continuum
ehospice Canada
Health care systems conceived decades ago to cure episodic illness are being challenged by the health and social care needs of an aging population with long-term disabilities.
Being on a journey – reflections on #WGT16
ehospice UK
Philip Ball, director of patient care at St Clare Hospice, writes for ehospice about We Get Together 2016 (#WGT16) – an annual gathering of the #WeCommunities, and those with an interest in healthcare, technology and social media.
The story of a generation of AIDS survivors
ehospice USA
“Last Man Standing” is a powerful special report from the San Francisco Chronicle that includes an article, film and profiles of survivors.
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