World media roundup – 20 June 2014

Categories: In The Media.

Finding Care at the End of Life: CUHK Nursing School provides palliative care training

Hong Kong – The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Communication, pain control and life-review are some of the topics taught as part of the palliative care training at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Disparities, diversities and palliative care

US – American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

Can the field of hospice and palliative medicine be more inclusive and more respectful of cultural and other differences than it already is? Read about AAHPM’s efforts to address these issues. 

Early origins of St Christopher’s Hospice

UK – End of Life Studies Blog

Very soon Dame Barbara Monroe will retire after a tremendous term of office as Chief Executive at St Christopher’s Hospice in South London – and many years there before that as a practising social worker. The event set Professor David Clark thinking about the early origins of St Christopher’s and some of the factors that shaped its pre-operational development over 50 years ago.

Duchess Kate releases inspiring message in support of children’s hospices

UK – Hello Magazine

The Duchess of Cambridge, née Kate Middleton, has released a touching message in support of Children’s Hospice Week in the UK.

Raising awareness of terminal disease

New Zealand – The Timaru Herald

A Timaru man with motor neurone disease is still taking time to raise awareness of the terminal illness. Tony Gilchrist was diagnosed with the disease six years ago and will be out and about today and tomorrow, raising both funds and awareness.

Quality of life for sufferers of lung disease

ehospice Australia

Lung Foundation Australia has developed a checklist to identify unmet needs in lung disease patients.

Palliative care sector responds to landmark ‘do not resuscitate’ ruling

ehospice UK

This week the UK Court of Appeal ruled that doctors must consult with and inform patients before placing a Do Not Attempt Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) order on their notes.

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