World media roundup – 30 January 2014

Categories: In The Media.

Most long-term care workers think relatives of dying residents ‘interfere,’ survey shows


Relatives of dying residents make end of life care worse, according to a majority of long-term care professionals surveyed in Quebec, Canada.

Making music videos helps young cancer patients connect


Working with a therapist to create music videos may help young cancer patients feel better about themselves and their situation, a new study suggests.

Integrating palliative care into oncology – improving the palliative care of cancer patients in the care pathway

EAPC blog

Tiina Saarto, Board Member of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Professor of Palliative Medicine and Chief Physician of the Helsinki University Central Hospital, Cancer Center, Finland, on integration.

First trailer for the terminal illness romance flick ‘The Fault In Our Stars’

Indie Wire

The new film ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ follows two young cancer survivors who fall in love.

Director talks about Oscar-nominated documentary 

Windy City Media Group

Interview with Edgar Barens, whose short documentary ‘Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall’ explores a unique hospice centre at the Iowa State Penitentiary.

The way of the cancer warrior

Huffington Post

Review of the book ‘The way of the cancer warrior’, which applies martial arts strategies, sports psychology principles and warrior philosophy to what the author calls the battle against cancer.

Dying to be heard

Huffington Post blog

If you were diagnosed with a serious illness, would you hide it from your friends, share it with a small select group, or tell the world?

Addressing the education gap

ehospice Australia

Many in the community may be surprised to learn that finding information about end of life care options may not be as easy as going to see your GP.

Judy MacDonald Johnston discusses quality of life in her end of life keynote

ehospice Canada

In her TEDTalks presentation, Judy MacDonald Johnston discusses death and quality end of life care.

Palliative care included in Kenya’s government budgetary process

ehospice Africa

The Ministry of Health has committed itself to include palliative care in its budget to cushion palliative care providers who have entirely relied on charity to survive.

The role of the social worker in palliative care

ehospice South Africa

As a professional who focusses on behavioural patterns, emotions and relationships, the social worker plays an invaluable role in palliative care.

Global Atlas coverage

Palliative care unavailable for majority of patients in developing countries

UK- The Guardian

Relieving pain and suffering for millions

Voice of America

Atlas maps global palliative care needs

Pro Bono Australia

Africa: relieving pain and suffering for millions


Global atlas highlights unmet need for palliative care

Sierra Express Media

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