Americans consider end of life costs
US- Life Health Pro
A growing minority of Americans believe that a patient’s desire to live justifies the money spent to keep the patient alive.
Simulation-based communication training does not improve quality of end of life care
US- MedicalXpress
Among internal medicine and nurse practitioner trainees, simulation-based communication skills training did not improve quality of communication about end of life care or quality of end of life care.
The secret life of grief
The Atlantic
A personal story of life and death.
This conversation ends when you do
US- Herald Tribune
“I started The Conversation in the kitchen of my niece’s house less than a year ago, and I’m so glad I did,” says Marilynn Preston.
Cause to celebrate?
This is the opening post for a series of blog posts commissioned to mark the 25th anniversary of the EAPC and is written by Sheila Payne, President of the European Association for Palliative Care and Director of the International Observatory on End of Life Care, Lancaster University, UK.
Palliative care volunteering isn’t for everyone, but it’s rewarding
ehospice Australia
According to Radiation Therapist and Kinesiologist Robyn Stitt, it takes a certain type of person to volunteer in palliative care.
Tomorrow’s Rainbow – A place where horses help bereaved children to heal
ehospice International children’s edition
Sue Boucher interviews Abby Mosher, founder and Executive Director of Tomorrow’s Rainbow, an organisation that provides grief support, with the help of miniature horses, for children and their caregivers who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Hospice finds the key to fundraising success
ehospice UK
A key amnesty is now in full force in the market town of Ashton-under-Lyne, as Willow Wood Hospice embarks on a key recycling scheme, in partnership with Manchester-based Singletons Metal Recycling.
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