Report shows chance of dying at home dictated by where you live in Ireland
The Irish Hospice Foundation
A new research report commissioned by the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) reveals that the chances of dying at home or in hospital are dictated by where you live in Ireland.
MRSA in palliative care
Article by Dr Aoife Gleeson, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, on her research project to explore the impact of MRSA in specialist palliative care.
Welcome developments in the Sultanate of Oman
Pallium India
Representatives from Pallium India traveled to Oman to conduct a workshop on palliative care for nurses and doctors.
Alternative therapies risk effectiveness of cancer treatment, researchers find
The Guardian
Common complementary therapies found to have serious drug interactions or reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation treatment
Our bodies wear out
The Huffington Post – blog
“If I have seen anything in my hospice work it is that the end of life need not be unnecessarily painful, emotionally or physically.”
Cases: are goals of care conversations about emotion or fact?
“When people feel heard and appreciated, their emotions often decrease making them more able to think through the facts. They are able to think about situations that otherwise would be too frightening, scary or sad. They can begin to consider what their loved one would say about this new situation.”
Lift-off for World Cancer Congress
ehospice Australia
The 2014 World Cancer Congress was launched in fine style in Melbourne on Wednesday, with delegates from around the world introduced to the local wildlife before addresses by a series of keynote speakers, setting the scene for the next three days of this major conference.
Australia leads the way with prostate cancer testing guidelines
ehospice Australia
Leading Australian cancer authorities have released for public consultation comprehensive clinical practice guidelines aimed at maximising the benefits and reducing the harms associated with the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer.
Resource published to help parent carers make critical care decisions
ehospice UK
Together for Short Lives has published an updated guide to support parents, carers or legal guardians making decisions about the critical care options for their child.
Learning from other sectors: using data & outcome measures to make a difference
ehospice UK
Laura Hamblin reports from the recent Hospice UK annual conference on how hospices can use data and outcome measures to make a difference.
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