World media roundup – 4 February 2014

Categories: In The Media.

Assessing the need for palliative care for children


Stephen R Connor, PhD, International Palliative Care Consultant and Principal Investigator of the project, introduces key findings from a collaborative research project on the need for children’s palliative care in three sub Saharan African countries – Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Opioid overdose prevention bill introduced in New York

International Drugs Policy Consortium

Legislation aims to reduce the number one cause of accidental death in New York State by increasing access to antidote, Naloxone.

Cancer ‘tidal wave’ on horizon, warns WHO

BBC News

The globe is facing a “tidal wave” of cancer, and restrictions on alcohol and sugar need to be considered, say World Health Organization scientists.

Can we – and should we – make laws against cancer?

Australia- The Guardian – comment is free

Bernard Stewart, co-editor of the World Cancer Report, argues that regulations and laws to influence behaviour will likely prove our most effective weapon against cancer.

Cancer Research UK launches ‘spaceship’ smartphone game to seek cancer cures

Cancer Research UK

‘Play to Cure: Genes in Space’ is a mobile phone game in which people across the globe will be able to help scientists unravel gene data to find the answers to some of cancer’s toughest questions.

Prison hospice provides comfort and an opportunity to change

US- Bangor Daily

Volunteers in the Maine State Prison hospice band tell of how the program has changed them while giving them the opportunity to help others.

Palliative care – helping bring meaning back to lives of cancer patients

The New Indian Express

Support for family members, counseling sessions for patients and various kinds of therapy, besides proper medicines, form the backbone of special palliative care being provided to terminally sick cancer patients in the capital.

Therapy trapped in time warp

The New Indian Express

Though the Regional Cancer Centre is an acclaimed name in cancer treatment, doctors say the Ernakulam General Hospital is the best when it comes to palliative care for terminally-ill patients.

For them, helping cancer patients fight the pain is a personal battle

Indian Express

Pall Can Care focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients in the terminal stages of cancer.

Why I tweet: A patient advocate view

KevinMD blog

Jessie Gruman, founder and president, Center for Advancing Health, on why she tweets.

Ashes to ashes, but first a nice pine box

The New York Times

Jeffrey M. Piehler, a retired thoracic surgeon with Stage 4 prostate cancer, writes about building his own coffin.

Events held all across Africa to mark World Cancer Day

ehospice Africa

Events are being held across Africa to mark World Cancer Day. ehospice brings you a selection of events from across the continent.

World Cancer Day : I’m a Survivor!

ehospice South Africa

As we celebrate World Cancer Day today, I look back to 2012 where three people very close to me battled cancer in the same year but survived in the end!

An interview with Robin Fiorelli on her work and the power of partnerships

International Children’s edition

Interview with Robin Fiorelli, Senior Director of Bereavement and Volunteers at VITAS Innovative Hospice care, on what drives her to do the work that she does and about one of the partnerships with a children’s hospice in South Africa.

Global Atlas coverage

First ever Global Atlas identifies unmet need for Palliative Care

Business Ghana

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