Supportive supervision is a process of helping staff to improve their own work performance continuously. It is carried out in a respectful and non-authoritarian way with a focus on using supervisory visits as an opportunity to improve knowledge and skills of health care providers. It promotes mentor-ship, help in problem solving and improves communication between supervisors and supervisee.
Supervision visit is very key in palliative care education as it improves problems solving and good quality service implementation.
Use of an assessment tool helps supervisors evaluate knowledge against the skills being applied in the clinical field. This encourages open, two way communication, and build team approach among the teacher and student.
Supportive supersion for palliative care students focus on improving performance and building relationship as caring for patients with palliative care needs is overwhelming.
It is a follow-up on what has been taught and what is being practised ensuring palliative care concept is being applied.
This improves students/staffs performance as they are free to consult and discuss matters arising without fear of the supervisor
Community Health Volunteers during supportive supervision
Any palliative care training needs follow-up, formal or informal, this encourages and promotes quality palliative care delivery.
Supervision of health workers/volunteers is important and requires short, specific and simple tools. Supervision include activities such as group discussion, demonstration, a case study, and role play especially counselling a client
Take Home
Effective supportive supervision:
- Right supervisor-well trained with up to date information and skill on palliative care
- Right tools-Available training tools/material and follow-up schedule
- Right resources-Time allocation for supervision, and travel support
Individual Obsevation:
- Demonstrating the skill or activity using a model, or role-play, improves performance
- Students return demonstrated skill or activity improves remembrance
- Students Practising the skill or activity with clients under a trainer’s guidance, gives courage
- It is useful to maintain a supportive supervision records at each supervisory visit for future reference and improvement.
Demonstration time !
Written by Stella Rithara RN
Palliative care/Oncology Nurse
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