The main objectives for purchasing the vehicle was to ensure patients with life limiting illnesses no longer have pain, are taken care of spiritually, emotionally, physically and also psychologically at their homes.
The hospice center has made notable achievements in their operations especially increase in the number of home visits with many patients benefiting with the services offered which include; pain and symptoms management, nursing care spiritual care and where necessary referral.
The center has also been able to boost community awareness on health and health seeking behaviors. They are able to visit various areas in Embu county and its environs to sensitize the community on life limiting illness during burial ceremonies, churches, chief’s barazas (meetings) and conduct hospitals continuous medical education sessions.
The number of patient referrals has also increased with the very sick being refereed to Embu level 5 hospital for admission.
The hospice team conduct bereavement support sessions through visiting families who have lost their loved ones.
‘We sincerely thank Hospice Care Kenya and KEHPCA who made it possible for us to acquire the vehicle. It has definitely boosted our morale and made our operations better and more efficient.’ said Penina a nurse at Embu Hospice.
The hospice staff members are confident that they will be able to achieve more with support from all stake holders and they are enthusiastic to continue to provide the support needed by the patients in a timely manner.
New car boosts Embu hospice initiative

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