The Alliance wants to make sure palliative care training is included for all doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health aligned professionals and social workers across the country and the event will orientate these organisations to the imperative to offer palliative care training within their undergrad training for these disciplines.
This is a high level network to drive forward palliative care across all sectors of health care and aims to ensure that this care is accessible, affordable, available to all persons, adults and children in South Africa. Alliance members are drawn from the National Department of Health, international funders, academic institutions, NGOs, and cover all major health disciplines. New members joining the Alliance are the Registrar of the South African Nursing Council and senior personnel from Department of Correctional Services.
This Alliance was formed by HPCA in May 2009 and has consistently attracted members willing to collaborate and campaign for access to palliative care and has participation from senior policymakers to position palliative care within broader health priorities in South African public health sector.
The Alliance assisted to develop a national strategy for palliative care to inform health policy and has streamlined palliative care indicators for use in the public health sector. Alliance partners assisted to get Hospice Week & International Hospice & Palliative Care Day onto the National Health Calendar.
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