Creating Awareness Amongst Our Children

Categories: Care.

On Wednesday 14 May 2014, a group of about 18 boys from Maritzburg College spent the morning with the patients and staff of Msunduzi Hospice. The morning started off with a brief orientation to Msunduzi Hospice. The boys were then divided up amongst our care staff and spent the morning visiting patients with the care team.

This exposed the boys (with the patients permission) to the lives of our patients, the various conditions that they live with and the needs that they may have. In the words of one of the boys ‘I met a lady that had MS and is bed bound. My heart hurt and now my eyes are opened. It taught me that we should love our family members and we are privileged with what we have.’ Creating awareness of the work of Msunduzi Hospice is an important part of every member of staff’s job. It does not just rest with those tasked with marketing and fund-raising. Good quality palliative care will create its own awareness. It is important for us as an organisation to expose as many as possible to this good quality palliative care. Creating awareness for the future amongst the youth of today.

‘I’ve experienced a lot today, and I was surprised to see some other people who has TB, HIV/AIDS and mental problems. Those people they’re so positive about what going on to their life and they open about it, they not even scared of talking about it. I was so touched when I see what happening to other families.’ (spelling and grammar as is).

Msunduzi Hospice trusts that in some small way the seed of community care and, more importantly, palliative care, has been planted in the lives of these young people who are shaping the future of our wonderful community. Our thanks are expressed to Maritzburg College and to the boys who spent their time with us.

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