The Businesswoman of the Year Award is South Africa’s premier award for women achievers in business.Since 1980, the BWA has been honouring outstanding South African businesswomen through this long-running award. Over more than three decades, the Businesswomen of the Year Award has grown in prestige and stature. It has become the premier event of its kind in the country and a notable part of the South African business calendar. This valuable award has national, regional and global recognition and is awarded in the Corporate and Entrepreneurial categories which includes:
1. Corporate
2. Professional
3. Entrepreneur
4. Emerging Entrepreneur
5. Social Entrepreneur
Dr. Fakroodeen is a graduate of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, she holds a diploma in obstetrics and has a Masters in Palliative Medicine.She is the chairperson of the Palliative Care Society of South Africa and has completed various publications and done numerous presentations at conferences.
To learn more about BWA, click here
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