Many young people are faced with decisions in life. Some are confident in their career paths where some are still deciding but for 23 year old Gereldine – she is confident and has direction in life in wanting to become a nurse.
On 29 August 2016, she will be with Boland Hospice for a year. Jokingly she says that she is still very “fresh” but the compassion and experience she has encountered thus far has been priceless! Growing up in Worcester with 4 sisters, she studied a Home Based Care course with the intention of working with people. “I love working with people and I feel that there so much knowledge one can learn from each
Her typical average day starts at 7:00am in the morning, taking over from the night shift staff who hands over their patient duties for further intervention. The first thing we do is to ensure that patients are bathed and fed and attend to their individual needs. Some patients enjoy being outside while others prefer to be indoors in front of the television. Although she did a one year Home Based Care course, Gereldine feels that there is so much more she can learn. It is at
There are special occasions that
Asking her what her future plans are? “I am very young and would like to study further and pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. I do believe I can achieve anything in life if I put my mind to it!” she stated.
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