#LiveCompassion – Meet Nicky Ulyate

Categories: Care.
  • Briefly tell me more about yourself?

My name is Nicky Ulyate and I am married with 3 grown up children and have two grandchildren. I was born in the UK, and did all my schooling in Zimbabwe and immigrated to South Africa in 1982.

  • What is your role in HPCA?

I am the PA to the CEO, Dr. Liz Gywther. It’s been a privilege to work for a person who is so passionate about what she believes in. It has been 6 fulfilling years that I have been in this positon.

  • In what ways can one show compassion in and out of work?

I think compassion is aiming to put yourself in the shoes of another person who is going through a difficult time. I think it is practical things like a word of encouragement, a phone call so that they know you are thinking of them, praying with them and basically to sum it all up, compassion requires your time.

  • Is there a story you would like to share where you displayed compassion?

We have a friend who has a life threatening illness. She is often in hospital receiving treatment for her illness for a couple of weeks. We like to visit her and encourage her through prayer and reading scriptures for her.

I also love to massage her hands and feet and she appreciates that and I feel this is my way of showing true compassion.

  • Do you think sharing compassion is important and why?

I think it is very important because everyone needs to know that someone is caring for them, thinking of them, especially when they are going through a difficult time.

I think so often that in the world we live in today, people are so self-centered and rushed so in order to spread compassion we need to be “other centered” and give of our time even if it’s 5 minutes. Each day I always try to look for an opportunity to spread compassion, whether it is through a smile, a word of encouragement or an act of kindness. It does not take a huge effort and I am always left feeling encouraged myself.

Get involved and share with us your story of compassion by emailing either eric@hpca.co.za or shaun@hpca.co.za

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