I was diagnosed with Aplastic anaemia in 2011. I had a Bone marrow Transplant done and my little brother Andile Magxwalisa was my donor. My Brother is so brave and is my hero, I’ll forever be thankful for what he has done for me. My little brother was 3 years old at the time and I was 12. I had three transplants done.The first one in 2011, second 2013 and last one in 2016.
We are blessed and lucky to have met amazing loving and caring people that work for CHOC .You leave the home with a positive mindset feeling so recovered from treatment. They motivate and encourage us each and everyday to keep strong and remain positive. It is not easy going through this journey alone with just your parents most especially away from your family and in a foreign place.
I’m so thankful to CHOC and appreciate everything they have done for me and my family. My experiences here have not just been life changing but have been truly amazing with so much love, peace, joy, hope and happiness. They have walked this journey with me from 2011, 2013 and 2016.I love them all and every person I have met and lived with at CHOC. We have made wonderful memories that I will cherish forever. CHOC is my home and they are my family.
From every wound there is a scar and every scar tells a story. A story that says, “I Survived”
CHOC supports children with cancer and life-threatening blood disorders, and their families; improving early detection and facilitating effective treatment.
To learn more about this organisation, visit www.choc.org.za
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