Scholarships and late breaking call for abstracts for 3rd ICPCN Conference in Durban

Categories: Education.

Building on the success of the first ICPCN conference in Mumbai, India (February 2014), and the 2nd in Buenos Aires (May 2016), the ICPCN is delighted to bring you the 3rd ICPCN Conference: Inspiration, Innovation, Integration to take place in Durban, South Africa from Wednesday 30 May – Saturday 2 June 2018. The conference aims to bring together people from around the world and from all professions working with children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions and encourage the exchange of knowledge, new and innovative ideas, research and experiences between them.

With a line up of world class keynote speakers, who include Dr Marie Charlotte Bouesseau from the World Health Organization and Nobel Peace Prize nominee from Pallium India, Dr MR Rajagopal, the conference programme promises to provide rich opportunities for professional development and networking and will begin with a full day of pre-conference workshops on 30 May 2018.

The Conference Organising Committee has today announced that they have made available a number of full and partial registration scholarships and have made a Late Breaking call for abstracts for poster presentations for the conference. 

Announcing the scholarships and the call for late breaking abstracts, Professor Julia Downing, conference chair and Chief Executive of the ICPCN said, “We are thrilled to be able to offer these full and partial scholarships for our conference and hope that as many people as possible will take this opportunity to apply. The speakers we have secured and the dynamic programme we have put together will ensure that all who attend will benefit enormously. Don’t delay, apply for a scholarship and submit an abstract today!”

Registration Scholarships
A number of full and partial registration scholarships have been made available for the 3rd ICPCN Conference in Durban.  Deadline to apply is 14 April, 2018 and results will be announced by 20 April 2018.

Applicants from all disciplines are welcome. In order to apply for a registration scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be current ICPCN members. If you wish to apply and are not an ICPCN member, you may join here.
  • Be working with children who have life limiting and/or life threatening illnesses.

Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • have been ICPCN members for two or more consecutive years.
  • work for an institution that is an ICPCN member.
  • are living in Lower, Lower-Middle and Upper-Middle income categories as per the World Bank income classification data. See here. However, people working in High Income countries may also apply and will be considered.
  • are dedicated full-time to palliative care in their current work.
  • have an accepted abstract for poster or oral presentation.
  • describe in their applications long term goals which lead to improvements in any or all of the following areas: service provision; education; availability of and access to medicines; and public policy.

It is important to note that these scholarships are for registration only and applicants will need to cover the remaining portion of the registration fee, travel and accommodation.

Apply for a scholarship here.

Late Breaking Call for Abstracts

This is your final opportunity to have an abstract accepted for the conference.  All members of the multidisciplinary team, including students, researchers, professionals, volunteers and parents are welcome to submit abstracts. 

Your abstract should fall into one of the following three topic areas:

  1. Inspiring others about Children’s Palliative Care
  2. Innovations in Children’s Palliative Care
  3. Integration of Children’s Palliative Care in Health, Social & Education Systems

Deadline for abstract submission is 7 April 2018. Submit your abstract here

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