Advance Care Planning – resources from around the world

Categories: Care.

Advance care planning is a key part of international end of life policy with a variety of international terms, definitions and legal frameworks. This has led to multitude of website resources for patients, families and the general public, as well as health and social care practitioners.

As Compassion in Dying launch their Make it Your Decision campaign and resources on the Wednesday 08 February, I have been reflecting upon the international resources aimed at patients and their families.

Whilst being mindful of different terminology, legal frameworks as well as website owner or author being responsible for content accuracy; here are a few (from many!) which are worth a look.

Resources from The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland

Resources from further afield

Conversation cards

Also of interest is the variety of conversation cards to stimulate end of life discussions:

The above list is by no means comprehensive – there are many other local, regional or national resources not listed here. What these resources do represent is a desire to engage in thinking and discussing wishes and choices at the end of life.

In future blogs, I will explore some of the other resources available to talk about death and dying as well as communication skills models.

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