Advance care planning is a key part of international end of life policy with a variety of international terms, definitions and legal frameworks. This has led to multitude of website resources for patients, families and the general public, as well as health and social care practitioners.
As Compassion in Dying launch their Make it Your Decision campaign and resources on the Wednesday 08 February, I have been reflecting upon the international resources aimed at patients and their families.
Whilst being mindful of different terminology, legal frameworks as well as website owner or author being responsible for content accuracy; here are a few (from many!) which are worth a look.
Resources from The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
- Dying Matters in Wales Byw Nawr – soon to be launched in Wales, this will be an advance care planning website for the general public, funded by the NHS Wales End of Life Board and led by the National Council for Palliative Care, Dying Matters in Wales Byw Nawr in collaboration with Hospice UK
- Dying Matters – contains a wide range of resources on talking about death, dying and bereavement
- NHS Choices – information and links about what advance care planning is
- NHS Inform Scotland – information about anticipatory care planning
- Royal College of GP’s Wales Advance Care Planning Training Resource – an online programme and videos about advance care planning
- Talk CPR – Discuss DNACPR: Wales – website with videos about discussing DNACPR
- Palliative Care Hub from All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care – extensive resources about end of life care
- Citizens Information Board: Republic of Ireland – information about Advance Healthcare Directives and legal matters.
- Think Ahead: Republic of Ireland – resources and documents from the Irish Hospice Foundation
- Macmillan Cancer Support – website and resources about the end of life from all the four nations perspective
- My Decisions – part of the Make it Your Decision from Compassion in Dying, a free online tool to document an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment
- Marie Curie Cancer Care – comprehensive website about end of life care including bereavement care.
- Sue Ryder Care – information and advice about planning ahead, Lasting Power of Attorney, making a will, planning for your funeral and bereavement
- Gold Standards Framework – comprehensive information and resources about advance care planning
- Age UK – documents to download and links to other sites
- Health Talk Org – videos of people talking about living with dying as well as advance care planning
Resources from further afield
- Advance Care Planning Australia – extensive information including state by state information, resources, documents and general information
- ACP Talk from Australia – information and resources for advance care planning with people from different religious and cultural backgrounds
- Canada and ‘Speak Up’ Campaign – extensive resources, documents and campaigns
- New Zealand: Our Voice To Tatu Reo – part of the national advance care planning cooperative, includes resources such as the New Zealand Advance Care Planning guide and documents
- New Zealand Health Navigator – national website with links to national guides and documents
- Living Matters: Singapore – wide range of end of life resources, documents and discussion points
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: United States of America – comprehensive website with useful links to other organisations in America
- Aging with Dignity Five Wishes: United States of America – a website with information about the Five Wishes document
- National Institute on Aging: United States of America – comprehensive website from US Department on Health and Aging
Conversation cards
Also of interest is the variety of conversation cards to stimulate end of life discussions:
- The Conversation Game
- Go Wish Cards
- Heart2Hearts: Advance Care Planning Cards
- My Gift of Grace
- Just Ask Conversation Card
- Fink Advance Care Planning Cards
- Grave Talk Cards
The above list is by no means comprehensive – there are many other local, regional or national resources not listed here. What these resources do represent is a desire to engage in thinking and discussing wishes and choices at the end of life.
In future blogs, I will explore some of the other resources available to talk about death and dying as well as communication skills models.
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