Clinical supervision e-learning modules published by Helen & Douglas House

Categories: Education.

The three new e-learning modules complement the clinical supervision toolkit published by the hospice last year.

While primarily designed with practitioners in the palliative care field in mind, these resources may also be of use to those in other areas.

The first module provides an introduction to the basic principles of clinical supervision and how to get the best out of it.

The second module contains specific information and exercises for facilitators. It offers learners a chance to reflect on the role of facilitator and consider skills and practice development.

And the third module is aimed at managers and organisations wishing to review, refresh or set up clinical supervision for their staff.

The new e-learning modules are free to access via the Helen & Douglas House website following registration. Copies of the toolkit can also be downloaded from the hospice’s website, and hard copies can be ordered by emailing

Both resources come highly recommended. Emeritus Professor Tony Butterworth CBE commented: “In 1992 my colleagues and I wrote a first textbook on clinical supervision for nurses. Clinical supervision has a vital place in the practice of nurses and indeed of all those who offer care to people and families in need.

“I was absolutely delighted to see the publication of this Helen and Douglas House toolkit and e-module … Importantly, it is written by those in practice and thus by people who understand it so well. It is clear, helpful and imaginative and should be read by clinicians, teachers and organisational managers.

“I recommend it wholeheartedly, and hope its concepts and very practical ideas for implementation and evaluation are taken up across the health and social care sector.”

Find out more on the Helen & Douglas House website.

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