Daily News Roundup – 12 February 2013

Categories: In The Media.

Social care Jeremy Hunt’s plans to bring ‘greater peace of mind’

BBC News

Plans for a £75,000 cap on the amount the elderly will have to pay for social care in England will give people ‘greater peace of mind’, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said.

Three reasons to be fearful about a cap on social care costs

The Guardian – social care network

Few people will benefit from these timid proposals – more radical action is needed to meet the needs of our ageing population.

A word in your ear

Civil Society

Words can be used to excuse the inexcusable, says Robert Ashton, as he reflects on the report into Stafford Hospital. 

HM Revenue and Customs to introduce online Gift Aid filing system on 22 April

Third Sector

The new online Gift Aid filing system will be introduced on 22 April, HM Revenue & Customs has announced. The new system, called Charities Online, will enable charities make repayment claims electronically.

Jeremy Hunt: Let’s cut nurses’ paperwork by a third

The Telegraph

‘Endless’ box ticking and ‘burdensome regulation’ mean nurses spend about a day a week on paperwork, Mr Hunt will tell a meeting organised by the think-tank Reform.

Region’s first young adult hospice planned

The Northern Echo

Plans have been unveiled for the region’s first hospice unit for young adults. Managers at the Butterwick Hospice in Stockton are applying for government funding to build the unit which would cost £600,000.

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