Daily News Roundup – 18 December 2013

Categories: In The Media.

Offers of help flood in after hospice’s tree vandalised in Poole

Bourneouth Echo

The response to the vandalised Lewis-Manning Hospice Christmas tree has been overwhelming, with offers of lights and help flooding in.

Sholing home brightening up the Christmas season

Daily Echo

One man has lit up his house with more than 12,000 animated lights, with any money raised going to Countess Mountbatten Hospice.

Santa Claus drops in from helicopter in the skies with festive gifts for hospice

Yorkshire Post

Children at Martin House Hospice were given an extra special festive surprise, when Father Christmas dropped in by helicopter with a sack of presents.

Fewer people are dying of cancer, charity says

ITN News

The number of people dying from cancer dropped 22% between 1990 and 2011, new figures from Cancer Research UK show.

GPs to be offered £5 per patient to support rollout of ‘named clinicians’


GP practices will be offered additional funding of £5 per patient from the hospitals budget to improve the care of older people and reduce avoidable admissions, NHS England has revealed.

Poorest areas to get extra NHS money to tackle ill health

The Guardian

The poorest parts of England are to receive extra money to tackle ill health after NHS bosses rejected plans to divert resources from there to wealthy areas.

The ever growing importance of hospice fundraising

Institute of Fundraising blog

Post by Natasha Robinson, National Hospice Support Manager at Help the Hospices.

Acevo to produce its own Good Pay Guide

Civil Society

Acevo is to publish its own Good Pay Guide that will consider executive salaries in the context of a charity’s effectiveness, its chief executive Sir Stephen Bubb has announced.

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