Councils and GP groups ‘overlooking local end of life care needs’
Mail Online
Councils and GP groups across England are failing to plan for the needs of dying people, according to a new report from Hospice UK.
Wise decision at hospice development ensures owls are undisturbed
The Chester Chronicle
A family of barn owls are sleeping happily through a major development at the Hospice of the Good Shepherd after a builder took special measures to ensure their nest remained undisturbed.
Chelsea Flower Show garden close to completion at Earl Mountbatten Hospice
Isle of Wight County Press
Greenfingers, a charity dedicated to creating gardens for children in hospices, is close to completing the relocation of the Royal Bank of Canada 2015 Chelsea Flower Show garden to the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.
Sheffield hospice helping people treasure their time together
The Star
To mark Children’s Hospice Week (23-27 May) two families have shared how Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice has helped them through the very difficult times they face.
Little Havens in urgent need of nurses as demand soars
The Echo
Little Havens experienced a 17% increase in people using its service between 2014 and 2015.
Here’s what people in their 90s really think about death
The Conversation
Nearly half of all deaths in the United Kingdom are in people aged 85 or older, up from only one in five just 25 years ago.
From across the ehospice editions:
International edition: Palliative care for noncommunicable diseases: a global snapshot in 2015
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