Illogan widow praises Cornwall Hospice Care’s cancer support
West Briton
The widow of a conveyancer who died of an aggressive brain tumour has praised Cornwall Hospice Care, which cared for him during his final weeks.
Multi-million pound new Woking Hospice plans unveiled
Get Surrey
Plans for the new multi-million pound Woking Hospice in Goldsworth Park have been outlined at a public consultation meeting.
Nail polish amnesty to aid hospice
Worcester News
A local Worcester business is collecting old bottles of nail polish to support St Richard’s Hospice’s Dragonfly Group, who will be painting dragonflies on pebbles at their Christmas party.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust join UK-wide social media campaign
ITV News
As part of its commitment to further improve patients’ experiences, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is pledging its support to the national “Hello, My Name Is…” campaign.
Being Mortal by Atul Gawande, book review: A manifesto to help the aged
The Independent
“This humane and beautifully written book is a manifesto that could radically improve the lives of the aged and terminally ill.”
Charity Commission backs down over campaigning spend in annual return
Civil Society
The Charity Commission has said it will not ask charities for their campaigning spend in their annual returns for 2015, but sector infrastructure bodies have criticised a suggestion it may ask for this information in future years.
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