£50 million set aside to create calming care environments for people with dementia
The Guardian
Health secretary Jeremy Hunt makes fund available to create calming environments in treatment of dementia.
Dementia patients ‘not dying in the place of their choice’
Nursing Times
A double stigma over dementia and death means many people with dementia are not dying in the place they choose to do so, according to a new report.
How we die: the most important issue we never talk about
The Deep End
Blog about talking about and planning for dying.
Association of Palliative Medicine to carry out new research into Liverpool Care Pathway
Christian Medical Comment
Blog from Dr Peter Saunders.
Target to become world’s best in elderly care ‘at risk’
BBC News
The government’s pledge to try to make England a world leader in elderly care is at risk of becoming “superficial” words, council chiefs are warning.
Hayling Island’s Daring Doris to meet future king
The Portsmouth News
Rowans Hospice supporter and record-breaking abseiler Doris Long, 98, has been invited to meet Prince Charles to be personally thanked for her voluntary work.
Kirkwood Hospice lays the foundation for 21st century care with start on £3m extension
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
Kirkwood Hospice is laying down the cornerstone for outstanding palliative care for decades to come
Allow employers to certify workplace donations for Gift Aid, says Breast Cancer Campaign
Third Sector
Charity believes it lost out on £400,000 of Gift Aid income from last year’s Wear it Pink fundraising day.
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