Myton Hospice supporting patients in face of NHS cutbacks
Leamington Observer
Bosses at Myton Hospice have highlighted the hospice’s work with local hospitals, in light of the Royal College of Physicians audit which revealed that many hospitals are unable to provide 24 hour end of life care specialists.
St Barnabas: New project offers group outings for male patients
Shoreham Herald
St Barnabas House is reaching out to men living with advanced illnesses at home, by offering group outings to those who would prefer this to a one-to-one visit in their own home.
End of life training help at Bedworth baby hospice
Nuneaton News
New nurses at Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice have met with a funeral director who offered them some expert teaching on the processes followed in the event of death.
NHS ‘should allow the dying a tot of whiskey’ in their final hours
The Telegraph
Prof Sam Ahmedzai has said more should be done to treat patients as individuals, and to allow them the dignity of taking their own decisions – whether that meant a nightly brandy, or the choice to die in their own bed.
‘Unacceptable’ that families ‘not told of resuscitation plans’
BBC News
Medical staff have placed “do not resuscitate” orders on thousands of patients in England without telling their families, an audit suggests.
DNACPR, the secret known to all
Illusions of Autonomy (blog)
Commentary on recent headlines which claim that “40,000 dying people have DNACPR orders ‘imposed’ on them without their direct agreement or discussion with their relatives”, by consultant and writer Phil Berry.
We think our attitudes to death are unchanging. They’re not
The Guardian
“Death rituals such as the anglers who turned their friend’s ashes into fishing bait are nothing new. In the west, we could learn much from other cultures,” writes Lindsey Fitzharris.
Delivering the right care at the right time to people who experience a stroke
Marie Curie blog
“For people who experience a sudden or ‘acute’ stroke, where their recovery can be uncertain, doctors face the difficulty of predicting a person’s outcome,” writes Professor Chris Burton.
Opening the door for discussing spiritual wellbeing: Implementing spiritual care in palliative care
EAPC blog
Article by Dr Bella Vivat, senior research associate in the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department at University College London, and co-lead of the implementation subgroup of the EAPC Spiritual Care Taskforce.
From across the ehospice editions
Kenya edition: Actions speak louder…
USA edition: CSU Institute announces first national conference
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