Full steam ahead for £3m Mary Stevens Hospice redevelopment after planning permission granted
Evesham Journal
Mary Stevens Hospice has now been given the green light to start the biggest appeal in its history after being granted planning permission for an ambitious £3 million redevelopment.
Dorothy House Hospice Care sets new Guinness World Record for moonlight walk through Bath
Bath Chronicle
Guinness World Records have confirmed that the Moonlight Walk held by Dorothy House Hospice Care set a record for ‘The largest gathering of people wearing boas’.
Leeds hospice’s develops community care
Yorkshire Evening Post
Occupational therapist, physiotherapists and community nurse specialists from Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice are now available seven-days-a-week and in the last six months, hundreds of patients and families have been supported at the weekends.
Bolton actress and Shameless star Maxine Peake praises charity which cared for her dying mother
Manchester Evening News
Actress Maxine Peake has appealed for donations to help Bolton Hospice, which cared for her dying mother.
The heart-warming moment this flash-mob breaks out in a Dublin hospice will make your day
Irish Independent
A group of 10 medical professionals and 24 patients from Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services in Harold’s Cross surprised diners in the hospice’s canteen with a flash mob on Thursday as part of Positive Ageing Week last week.
‘Nursing isn’t just about saving lives’
Nursing Times [registration required]
In her first blog, adult branch student editor Lucy Williams discusses how a placement at her local hospice changed her career path for the better.
ESA benefit payments: re-tests axed for chronically ill claimants
BBC News
Work and Pensions Secretary Damian Green said it was pointless to re-test recipients of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) with severe conditions and no prospect of getting better.
Online learning in palliative care: a review
EAPC blog
Dr Sean Hughes, Dr Nancy Preston, Dr Sandra Varey and Prof Sheila Payne, International Observatory on End of Life Care, Lancaster University, highlight a new, free online palliative care course which launches later this month.
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