David Oliviere: helping social work thrive in palliative care
David Oliviere, director of education and training at St Christopher’s Hospice, retires this month. In this blog post hospice CEO Barbara Monroe sums up David’s contribution to palliative care.
Department of Health and hospice sign five-year service level agreement
Isle of Man
The Department of Health and Hospice Isle of Man are delighted to announce the signing of a new five-year service level agreement.
Lodges will be a place to stay for loved ones at Swindon’s Prospect hospice in Wroughton
Swindon Advertiser
Building work on much needed lodges for patients’ families has officially begun at Prospect Hospice.
CRA: Charity shops should engage with independent retailers
Civil Society
The Charity Retail Association has encouraged charity shop operators to engage with their local independent retailers to allay concerns about charity shops taking over the high street.
Two-fifths of charities get no money at all from Gift Aid, says report
Third Sector
A new report by Blackbaud also says that only 15% of individual donations are made online despite a rise in the number of charities accepting online donations.
’24-hour’ complaint process needed
BBC News
Patients, carers and relatives should be able to raise concerns over NHS care 24 hours a day, suggests Health Ombudsman Julie Mellor.
Councils call for national old age social care loans scheme
BBC News
A national deferred payment scheme to help people pay for their social care costs in old age should be created by ministers, English councils have urged.
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