Dorothy House launches free Peace of Mind Planner

Categories: Care.

As a means to help kick-start important conversations about the end of life and reduce stress and anxiety for anyone living with an illness, Dorothy House has created a new, free life admin tool.

The Peace of Mind Planner is designed to support patients, families and individuals in the community to consider their end of life wishes, and ensure their affairs are in order should they fall ill or die.

With our lives scattered with paperwork and digital records, it can become very difficult for loved ones to navigate and access vital information when someone becomes ill or dies.

“At Dorothy House, we see first-hand what impact stress and anxiety can have at the end of someone’s life. This is true for patients and their families. Having honest and open conversations about the basics of life admin, right through to discussing important wishes after death can enable loved ones to prepare for the inevitable, and reduce the load after someone dies.”

– Sarah Dodd – Head of Legacies


The Peace of Mind Planner

Dorothy House’s Peace of Mind Planner is designed to help record and easily access important life information. It offers the ability to write down things like the spiritual or cultural beliefs someone holds, where their will is kept, who will look after any children and/or pets, who their gas supplier is, any wishes for their funeral etc. It also includes a section that lists where all important documents are stored and what any final wishes would be.

Once the booklet is completed, Dorothy House recommends that it is stored in a safe but accessible place and that someone trusted knows where it is. The Hospice also suggests that as situations and information changes over time, it is worthwhile ensuring the Peace of Mind Planner is updated.


Peace of Mind Planner


How to access the Planner

If you would like a Planner you can download it here. If you are unable to download the booklet or do not have access to a printer, please feel free to contact us on 01225 721480 or email, we will be able to send you a physical copy by post.

Dorothy House Hospice has many planning ahead resources, including a free will service.





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