Ensuring the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs

Categories: Education.

THURSDAY 27 APRIL 2023 – Virtual CPD Conference – 20% Discount code HCUK20K

The National Controlled Drugs Virtual Conference focuses on ensuring the Safer Management of Controlled Drugs: Diversion & Abuse, Prescribing and Use.

Aimed at Controlled Drugs Accountable Officers, Pharmacists, Police Controlled Drugs Liaison Officers, and Prescribers including Non Medical Prescribers, the conference will update you on current national developments, developing the role of the CDAO and improve practice learning from case studies.

Conference chair: Wendy McAllister Vice Chair Association of Police Controlled Drugs Liaison Officers Former Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer Metropolitan Police Service

Follow the conference on Twitter #controlleddrugs

20% Discount code HCUK20KH

Click here to book: https://www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/conferences-masterclasses/controlled-drugs-conference

Aimed at Controlled Drugs Accountable Officers, Pharmacists, Police Controlled Drugs Liaison Officers, and Prescribers including Non Medical Prescribers, this conference will update you on current national developments, developing the role of the CDAO and improve practice learning from case studies.


“Providers need to ensure their governance of controlled drugs is up to date and fit for purpose. We continue to find areas that need to improve across health and social care.”CQC July 2022

Learning Outcomes:
This conference will enable you to:


  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve the safe use, prescribing and management of controlled drugs
  • Understand the national context including developments from the CQC
  • Reflect on the implications of Covid-19
  • Assess practice against the RPS Standards for the governance and management of Controlled Drugs
  • Understand the scale of abuse and diversion of controlled drugs by healthcare professionals
  • Ensure effective Controlled Drugs Governance and learning from audit
  • Improve your skills in the identification and management of theft and abuse by staff
  • Learn from police investigations and inspections
  • Learning from Syringe Driver related controlled drugs incidents
  • Understand and develop the role of the controlled drugs accountable officer
  • Improve your skills in the prescribing and prescribing governance of controlled drugs
  • The Non Medical Prescriber and controlled drugs
  • Reflect on the use and governance of controlled drugs at the end of life
  • Update your knowledge on learning from deaths involving controlled drugs, and using the Coroner Future of Deaths report to inform changes in practice
  • Improve practice in governance and prescribing of opioids
  • Ensure lessons are learned from the investigation and reporting of controlled drugs incidents
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer
    group approval for revalidation purposes
Unable to attend the full day? Don’t worry all our virtual conferences are recorded, giving you the flexibility to dip in and out throughout the day and catch up with anything you miss later. Find out more about virtual attendance.
Speakers Include:
  • Dr Victoria Lea National Controlled Drugs Manager Care Quality Commission
  • Wendy McAllister Vice Chair Association of Police Controlled Drugs Liaison Officers
    Former Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer Metropolitan Police Service
  • Dr Deborah Robertson Lecturer School of Health and Society Salford University
  • Dr Weeliat Chong Chief Pharmacist & CDAO
    Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
  • Jackie Whiller Consultant Nurse Mountbatten Hospice
  • Nadia Persaud HM Area Coroner
    Eastern Area of London


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