Get Cycling To Raise Cash for St Barnabas Hospice

Categories: Fundraising.

St Barnabas Hospice is urging supporters to get on their bikes and ride as the charity is offering 40 spaces on the C2C2C charity ride to celebrate its 40th anniversary.

The C2C2C is a charity cycle ride around Lincolnshire on the 30th June. Cyclists can choose a 100 mile or 200km route. Both routes are designed for a cyclist who maybe hasn’t ridden this far before or wants to just enjoy cycling through some of Lincolnshire’s beautiful countryside.

David Jockel, of the C2C2C Team, says: “C2C2C started back in 2011, its focus being Lincolnshire people and businesses supporting Lincolnshire charities, whilst doing something very different to the more traditional Golf Days. Last year was our 10th birthday, and since we started, we have had over 4,000 people riding with us, 1,000 of whom had never previously ridden 100 miles in a day, and our riders have raised nearly £170,000 for local causes.

“St Barnabas has been one of the charities that we have supported during this time, given the tremendous work they do locally.

“To support the 40th anniversary of the opening of their first unit in Lincoln, we are delighted to be providing 40 places to help them raise funds to enable them to continue to support so many of our colleagues, neighbours, friends and family across the county.”

Caroline Swindin, Fundraising Development Manager: “Lincs C2C2C is organised each year by a fantastic group of individuals and businesses, who voluntarily put much hard work and time into bringing this incredible event to Lincolnshire. Each year C2C2C supports a number of good causes, including St Barnabas.

“This year, in recognition of our 40th anniversary of providing vital end of life care and support to thousands of patients, their families, and carers, this has been extended with 40 places being gifted to us. St Barnabas is extremely grateful for the continued support of all at C2C2C, and we are really looking forward to working together with everyone and welcoming all the riders on the 30th June.”

To sign up and also receive a St Barnabas Hospice branded shirt to race in, just visit

To register for the hospice’s team, sign in with the code stb40c2c2c

For more information, visit


Photo Caption: The St Barnabus Team from 2018’s C2C2C. L to R – Chris Swindin (supporter), Caroline Swindin (Fundraising Development Manager at St Barnabus), Chris Wheway (Chief Executive at St Barnabus).


St Barnabas Hospice is a local independent charity and every year they support more than 10,500 people across Lincolnshire. They deliver free, high-quality, compassionate end-of-life care and support to people living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, their family and carers. St Barnabas offers the patient and their family hospice care and support via: specialist inpatient care, care at home, day therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, complementary therapy, welfare advice and bereavement support. All the services are free. St Barnabas needs to raise over £6m a year to provide its support and care. Over 900 volunteers play a crucial role in the charity’s success.

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