Government responds to Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum

Categories: Care.

Each recommendation made by the forum has been addressed on a point by point basis in the response. Improvements have been promised with a focus on putting children and young people at the centre of the new health system to improve health outcomes.

The response was compiled by the Department of Health, and involved government departments, health regulators, Royal Colleges and organisations involved in the development and delivery of child health.

The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum was created in 2012 by Andrew Lansley, former Health Secretary, in order to strategise about improving care for children and young people in England. Recommendations made by the forum to improve the health system included:

  • putting children, young people and their families at the heart of what happens
  • acting early and intervening at the right time
  • integration and partnership
  • safe and sustainable services
  • workforce, education and training
  • knowledge and evidence
  • leadership, accountability and assurance
  • incentives.

Commenting on the response, chief executive of Together for Short Lives Barbara Gelb said:

“I very much welcome today’s publication which is an important response to the recommendations of the Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum. It is particularly encouraging that the Government has collaborated closely with key organisations at a system wide level to develop the response, which includes an important pledge to improve the lives of children and families.

“There is a real opportunity now for Government to work with the wider system to address some of the hugely complex issues highlighted by today’s report. It is clear that a great deal of work will be needed across the whole system in order to bring about the necessary changes and I look forward to playing an active role in the Forum as it drives this agenda forward.”

The full response and pledge can be seen on the Department of Health website. The original report published by the forum is available in the Department of Health website archive.

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