Guidance on commissioning young carer services

Categories: Leadership.

The guide, ‘Commissioning services for young carers and their families’, has been published by the Carers Trust to help those responsible for service commissioning to develop appropriate services. The guide provides examples of young carer services, the tools that have proven to be effective and an overview of the key areas for commissioning.

It is divided into four chapters, based on the ‘Understand, Plan, Do and Review’ commissioning cycle:

  • Chapter 1: Understand: Understanding local needs and involving young carers, families and services
  • Chapter 2: Plan: Designing services that meet young carers’ needs
  • Chapter 3: Do: Commissioning services
  • Chapter 4: Review: Evaluating the impact of services.

Writing in the foreword, Dame Philippa Russell, Chair of the Standing Commissioner for Carers, said:
“This resource moves beyond the jigsaw approach and offers practical solutions to common problems in commissioning for young carers. It encourages young carers to be seen as strategic partners in planning and offers useful examples of high quality care and support. 

“With escalating demand for care and support across the health and social care sectors, this resource is truly essential reading – solution focused but also providing a vision of what good carem looks like for a growing number of young carers and those they support.”

The guide can be downloaded from the Carers UK website, or a hard copy can be ordered by emailing

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