Hospice as a ’hub’: a model for the future

Categories: Education.

The model advocates the hospice as a dynamic community hub combining social experiences and activities which together, support the delivery of high quality, cost-effective, evaluated care and service innovation.

This model has been developed and implemented at St Christopher’s Hospice in response to demands arising from current stressors and drivers, including the ageing population, financial austerity and the growing demands for good end of life care for all. These demands require an innovative and integrated response if the quality of service for people coming to the end of life is to be maintained and taken to the next level.

The recent ‘Hospice as a hub’ conference at St Christopher’s Hospice attracted such national interest it is being staged again on 25 June 2013The day will include topics that consider the various elements of the new model including:

  • the volunteer ‘hub’ – extended and enhanced volunteer programmes and sharing volunteer resources
  • the social ‘hub’ – the development of hospices as social spaces
  • the community ‘hub’ – including community events and involvement
  • the education ‘hub’ – including educational resources and groups for patients, carers and volunteers
  • the cost-effective ‘hub’ – a more rational use of facilities and professional resources
  • the social care ‘hub’ – outreach into social care and innovative pilot programmes in partnership with local authorities.

The event will showcase key aspects of new models presented by Nigel Hartley and Dame Barbara Monroe from St Christopher’s Hospice, Dr Heather Richardson from Help the Hospice, Peter Holliday, chief executive at St Giles and Mary Steven Hospices, Barbara Gale, chief executive at St Nicholas Hospice, and Dr Fliss Murtagh from the Cicely Saunders Institute.

David Oliviere, director of education and training, St Christopher’s Hospice, said: “The conference has aroused a huge demand for places, it clearly breaks new ground. The emphasis on community engagement, widening the net but also on improved outcomes and cost effective care coming together in service hubs, has certainly struck some cords.”

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