Hospices join in partnership to extend services

Categories: Leadership.

CEO of Mountbatten Nigel Hartley

Mountbatten on the Isle of Wight is partnering with Countess Mountbatten Hospice in Southampton, in a move that will help the mainland hospice grow their services.

The partnership between Mountbatten Isle of Wight and the NHS-run Countess Mountbatten Hospice in Southampton will explore ways that Mountbatten can utilise its leadership and support for the mainland hospice to continue developing their services as an independent charity. The partnership is a result of an invitation from Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, which currently runs the hospice with additional financial support from the Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity.

Nigel Hartley, CEO, said:

“We are looking forward to working with another well-respected hospice, Countess Mountbatten, which has successfully supported the Southampton community for over forty years. Throughout íts fundraising efforts, the Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity has worked tirelessly to ensure that the hospice has been able to continue to grow into the organisation that it is today.

“Mountbatten Isle of Wight and Countess Mountbatten Hospice, Southampton, will continue to run as separate charities, with a separate set of financial accounts and separate staff and volunteers. No money raised to support Mountbatten will ever be used to support Countess Mountbatten although money from Countess Mountbatten hospice will pay for our leadership expertise and support. The essence of the partnership will be based on strategic leadership and support from Mountbatten’s Senior Management Team, enabling the mainland team to extend their services in their own community and start additional services such as bereavement support and hospice at home.

“We also know that we can make cost savings through the joining up of leadership structures and also back office costs. There will be many more synergies and benefits for both organisations which will develop as the partnership grows and moves forward.

“The outstanding end of life care provided to Islanders and their families has recently led to a number of new opportunities to share Mountbatten, Isle of Wight’s expertise and leadership with other organisations.  Although this is not a merger, both hospices will be led by one Senior Team, with joint board with different representatives, proving governance and representation for both organisations.

Sue Hill, Chair of the Board of Trustees at Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity said:

“Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity (CMHC) are delighted to be partnering with Mountbatten Isle of Wight in taking over the running of Countess Mountbatten House from University Hospital Southampton.

“CMHC has supported the hospice since its conception in 1977 and are excited to be able to play an even bigger role in its future.

“Trustees and staff of the charity see this change as a positive step in ensuring even more people with a life-limiting illness receive excellent end of life and hospice care across Southampton and Hampshire”

For more information visit Mountbatten

Nigel Hartley will be speaking about the partnership at Hospice UK’s national conference in November.

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