Places for this two-year part-time course are being taken up quickly as previous students spread the word about the programme. The course integrates a leadership development programme with a powerful educational experience and culminates in a postgraduate qualification from the current number one UK business school.
The programme is run in partnership with Help the Hospices and the International End of Life Observatory at Lancaster and is designed for people looking to take a leadership role in a hospice or related end of life service. The current participants represent a wide range of professions but they all share a common purpose – to take their learning into the hospice sector and make a difference.
Modules are week-long and based in Lancaster. The opportunity to focus and study surrounded by tutors, librarians and group members has proved to be highly beneficial. Participants become more confident and capable in their studies and the programme ensures learning is sustained and optimised in the workplace.
The approach to academic learning is practical and collaborative. All assignments are based on the exploration and investigation of ‘real world’ issues and debates. The modules are designed to address a full spectrum of leadership and management capabilities and culminate in a research project and dissertation.
Modules include:
- personal mastery
- leadership in action
- strategic leadership
- operational leadership
- catalytic leadership
- preparing for organisational change.
Throughout the modules, the cohort is visited by leaders from other sectors who share their experiences and learning. Key figures from the hospice sector also join sessions to discuss how learning can be applied. The highlight of the catalytic leadership module is a cultural visit to learn how other sectors and organisations manage the challenges they face.
Action learning groups are created to support participants both during and between modules. These groups develop strong bonds and offer individuals practical support in addition to the Lancaster academic and administration teams.
The programme is challenging and the qualification a worthwhile prize. The support is excellent and you will become a member of a very special community of people, dedicated to making a difference in the future of end of life care.
Please check the website for more information, including details of how to apply.
Applicants for this course may be eligible for a Towergate Masters Bursary from Help the Hospices. For further information please email the grants team or call them on 020 7520 8219.
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