Mosque youth group helps spread key hospice messages in the community

Categories: Community Engagement.

St Richard’s Hospice in Worcester has been working to build relationships with its local mosque with the aim of both raising awareness and dispelling common myths around its care. Alice Spearing, Engagement Officer at St Richard’s, explains the progress so far.

Here at St Richard’s, we are committed to engaging with our community to raise awareness of our care and the services we provide. Through a variety of events and projects, we engage with thousands of people each year.

As part of this, we recognise the importance of building relationships with the different communities on our doorstep to ensure our services are inclusive and meet the needs of the people we care for.

Previously, we have invited board members from Tallow Hill Mosque for a hospice tour and we have attended cultural festivals in the community.

Last year I visited the girls’ youth group at Tallow Hill Mosque to talk about the hospice through an arts and crafts session.

The girls decorated handprints with paint, glitter and sequins and glued hospice information on the reverse in both English and Urdu. Whilst decorating the handprints I talked to the girls about the hospice and how it supports local people and their families. The girls shared their experience of fundraising at school and their loved ones volunteering in hospice shops.

The handprints were handed out to the community at the mosque’s summer fete to help promote key hospice messages. The girls were excited to show their loved ones what they had decorated and tell them what they had learnt about St Richard’s during the art and crafts session.

Mohammed Iqbal, General Secretary at Tallow Hill Mosque, said of the experience:

“By being involved, the children also learnt more about the hospice and the positive role it plays in our society and how it benefits us all.

“This is a marvellous way of learning and getting the message across. These experiences at this young age hopefully will make stronger, more connected individuals in the future.”

The hospice is continuing to work alongside Tallow Hill Mosque to raise awareness of its free care and support.

For more information visit St Richard’s Hospice

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