New edition of pain and pancreatic cancer guide published

Categories: Care.

A revised version of a booklet on pain management and pancreatic cancer has been published.

Pancreatic Cancer UK devised Pain and Pancreatic Cancer because while there is a lot of information available about cancer pain in general, people affected by pancreatic cancer advised them that they wanted information tailored specifically to the condition, to help them access the pain management and support they need.

The updated booklet describes the different causes and types of pancreatic cancer pain, and the ways pain can be managed. It provides detailed information about opioid and non-opioid painkillers, as well as nerve blocks and other drugs that can be used to treat pain, such as amitriptyline and pregabalin. It also explains the support available, and emphasises the importance of speaking to health professionals early on in order to get pain under control.

The charity worked closely with people affected by pancreatic cancer to ensure the guide meets their needs and is easy to understand. It is based on the latest evidence and reviewed by health professionals to ensure it’s accurate, up-to-date and reflects clinical practice.

You can download and order the booklet for free at Pancreatic Cancer: Publications

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