The four minute film was produced by Creative Connections for the hospice’s 125th anniversary. It follows the story of a man with lung disease and how Trinity helps him and his family make the most of the time they have together. The video uses colourful imagery to show how life at the hospice is very different to what the patient had expected, and it challenges some of the common misconceptions about hospices while raising awareness of support on offer.
The Charity Film Awards were created to increase the exposure of charity films, encourage donations, and reward films for their fundraising efforts. Films are judged by a panel that includes charity directors, journalists and filmmakers.
Trinity’s film won the award in the turnover of £5million to £50million category after a public vote, followed by a decision from the panel of judges.
Dallas Pounds, Chief Executive of Royal Trinity Hospice, said:
“We are so proud to have won this Charity Film Award. We wanted to show people that hospices are full of life and we have been delighted by the way our film has been received. It has been a pleasure to work with Creative Connections on this project and we are really grateful to everybody who voted for or shared our film on social media.”
For more information visit Royal Trinity Hospice.
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