St Clare launches new day therapy services

Categories: Care.

After consulting with patients, families and local clinical professionals, the hospice launched the new services to complement their existing programme of activities.

Click a Friend: The aim of this fortnightly drop-in computer group is to enable people to develop their computing skills and to tackle social isolation. The group will be run in partnership with staff from Age Concern Harlow and aims to provide group members with the skills to use tools such as Skype to speak to their friends and relatives, social media and online shopping.

Creative Drop-in Group: A fortnightly drop-in group where people can learn new skills and find enjoyment through creative activities. 

Physiotherapy Group: A weekly drop-in exercise group to enable people to take part in a tailored exercise programme, led by a qualified physiotherapist. At the first session, people will be assessed by our physiotherapist and given their own exercise programme, adapted to their needs.

Café Clare: A weekly drop-in group, Café Clare offers patients the chance to join the team for coffee and cake in the hospice dining room, and the chance to meet others socially in a relaxed environment. This group is available to people who have completed a Day Therapy group, or those who just wish to gain some support from their peers on an informal basis.

Commenting on their services, St Clare Day Therapy Manager, Emily Stowe, said:

“We often hear people say that they thought hospice care was ‘just for the last few days or weeks of someone’s life’ – and that is just not true. Day therapy supports you from the moment you are diagnosed as having a life-limiting condition – supporting you to process what that diagnosis means, and empowering you to live your life to the full.”

“When you have an illness or condition that cannot be cured, it is very easy to let the illness overcome you – and we often see people who feel like they are ‘just a patient’ and not a ‘person’ any more. Day therapy supports people to take back control, to become ‘me’ again. We support people to live with their condition, to remain independent, and continue to fulfil their goals and dreams in life.”

For more information visit St Clare Hospice


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