The role and training requirements of Caldicott guardians

Categories: Education.

Organisations that have access to patient records are required to have a Caldicott guardian; this was mandated for the NHS by the Health Service Circular: HSC 1999/012.

A Caldicott guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of patient and service user information and enabling appropriate information sharing. It is a strategic role, which involves representing and championing issues related to information sharing at board or management team level.

Acting as the conscience of an organisation, the guardian actively supports work to enable information sharing where it is appropriate to share, and advises on options for lawful and ethical processing of information.

Yet despite this important function, the majority of Caldicott guardians report that they have received little training or advice to help them in their role. Are you one of them?

Why is Caldicott guardian training so important?

In September 2015, the secretary of state for health asked the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and social care in England, to carry out a review into the effectiveness of current approaches to information security by NHS organisations when it comes to handling confidential patient data.

On the 19 May this year, Dame Fiona Caldicott, in her role as the national data guardian, issued a joint letter with the CQC, to all CEOs of NHS Trusts outlining the key principles and actions from the review.

An extract from this letter reads:

“Improving data security capability also depends on staff at all levels having access to training which meets a national standard. We believe that this is particularly important for board-level leaders, SIROs, Caldicott guardians and staff with responsibility for handling data.”

Additionally, the importance of training for Caldicott guardians has been identified in the latest Information Governance Toolkit for NHS organisations.

CPD accredited Caldicott training for hospice staff

There are two upcoming training days for those working in hospices:

The first is being held on 12 July 2016 in Manchester. The cost to hospice staff £199 plus VAT (discounted from the public sector cost of £249). The course is open to all Caldicott guardians, with 15 of the 30 places reserved for hospice staff at the reduced rate. To find out more and to book email and copy in Marie Cooper (

The second, which has been organised by Hospice UK, will take place on 21 September 2016 in Leeds. The cost is  £110 plus VAT. To find out more and book your place, visit the Hospice UK website or email

Both courses are being delivered by data protection experts and directors at Baker Lomax and Shackley Ltd. Sandra Lomax is an ex-assistant director for information assurance at a large city council and experienced multi-agency Caldicott guardian. She is a member of the UK Council of Caldicott Guardians and Caldicott guardian advisor for Hospice UK. Gary Baker is a retired police superintendent, an accredited senior information risk owner and senior decision-maker in high profile police disclosures. An experienced member of, and contributor to multi-agency risk assessment conferences and multi-agency public protection arrangements.

The key learning objectives for both courses include:

  • understand your role as a Caldicott guardian
  • assess your own organisations compliance with the Caldicott principles
  • adhere to Caldicott principle 6 (comply with the law) and principle 7 (the duty to share)
  • learn to recognise what are ‘Caldicott decisions’
  • enhance your confidence in making appropriate Caldicott decisions
  • be aware of confidentiality and ethical considerations.

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