With us from day one

Categories: People & Places.

Carole Bowen has been part of the Katharine House Hospice family since day one, making her the longest serving member of staff. As they continue to celebrate our 35th anniversary, Carole shares some of her memories.

Giving something back

Originally a volunteer with Stafford Hospice at Home, Carole joined our charity in 1989 giving up one day a week to help run the office based on Chell Road.

“I just wanted to give something back to the community, and this seemed like a good fit at the time,” she said.

“I could see the need for the services we offered and the potential to make it something special.”

The charity later relocated to a site on North Walls, and so Carole moved too.

Once the go-ahead was given for the hospice build on the grounds of the County General Hospital, the excitement and the fundraising stepped up.


Shaping the future

When we became Katharine House Hospice, a friend of Carole’s helped to create our new logo for free, depicting the new hospice building and sunflowers to represent the day unit.

“I remember when we first saw the design of the building, we were all so excited that it was an octagon shape – we thought that was so clever…. until we were trying to fit desks against the walls!”

On the books

Carole became a paid member of staff in 1993, for just four hours a week, but continued to give extra time as a volunteer.

She fondly recalls summer fetes and fundraising gatherings on the field opposite the hospice and Friday afternoons spent counting the collection funds from the week, before a trip to the bank.

Over her 30 years as a paid staff member, Carole began work as a Payroll Clerk and moved to a full-time role as Finance Manager before returning to payroll on a part-time contract.

Stafford Hospice at Home logo and the first Katharine House Hospice logo
Stafford Hospice at Home logo and the first Katharine House Hospice logo

Fond memories

“I remember when Dr Richard Soulsby first joined as our new Chief Executive – he shared an office with Libby Dale, our first Retail Manager, just along the corridor from mine.

“We used to joke about his office not having any windows but he didn’t mind at all.

“Richard really turned Katharine House around and made it the success it is today.”

Carole and Richard have worked together for more than 20 years. Today, their offices are once again next door to each other.

Now based at our Business Centre on Stafford Technology Park, they both have their own windows.

Carole with Dr Richard Soulsby
Carole receiving her long service award from Richard Soulsby

It’s all about you: share your story

Please send us your memories and photos about Katharine House Hospice, we would love to hear from families whose lives we have touched over the years and from people who have supported our charity in any way.

Send us a few words about your cherished memory and we’ll share them online for you.

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