2021 Virtual Conference will focus on transformation in healthcare

Categories: Education.

Recognizing the impact upon the hospice and palliative care provider community over the past year, the 2021 Virtual Conference will focus on transformation in healthcare.

2021 Virtual Conference: Focusing on Transformation
July 29, 2021 | 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (ET)

The summer Virtual Conference is presented annually by AAHPM, HPNA, and NHPCO. The conference planning committee all felt that healthcare transformation – particularly given the implications the field is facing as we continue to work our way through the COVID-19 global health crisis – is a particular timely topic for the provider community.

Our world is reshaping before our eyes
How do we rework the system? How do we measure success? What innovations will remain? How do we bridge the divide between administration and clinical? How do we address workforce issues? How do we improve the patient and family experience? How do we continue to connect to purpose?

Exploring Multiple Perspectives
Content will include both clinical and programmatic perspectives creating an opportunity for the interdisciplinary team to explore each unique viewpoint and how they intersect. Topics explored include:

  • The Catalytic Effect of COVID-19
  • Leadership Development
  • Healthy Tensions
  • Workforce Considerations
  • Telehealth

New for 2021

  • All sessions offered on one afternoon, allowing you more flexibility to participate while minimizing your time away.
  • Discussion sessions and networking throughout the conference agenda give you the opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the country to explore common challenges and share best practices.
  • Content will be available on-demand through September 30.

Online Registration is Now Open.

Register by June 14 to enjoy the early-bird registration rate.  Members of NHPCO, AAHPM, and HPNA enjoy special registration savings. NHPCO members should log-in on the website to get the member rate.  AAHPM and HPNA members should get the discount code from their organizations to get the member discount rate.

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