Forbes Raises Awareness of Hospice Outreach

Categories: Community Engagement.

Connecticut Hospice, which opened in 1974, is recognized as the first hospice in the US. Throughout 2014, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization will be celebrating 40 years of hospice care in this country. (Note: this is a correct date from that in Mr. Japsen’s article.)

The role hospice has played as a leader mobilzing social change for improved end-of-life care will be the theme of NHPCO’s annual Management and Leadership Conference held in March 2014.  At this conference, the organization will share some of its efforts that have been part of its Affirming Hospice public engagement campaign.

In an article in Forbes, journalist Bruce Japsen, shares news of the campaign and then continues by looking at the role hospices might play in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).  ACOs are a part of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act that many refer to as Obamacare.

“Healthcare providers from all sectors are looking at some of the ACO programs currently operating throughout the US and are eager to take lessons learned that may prove to be of value to a wide range of community providers,” noted J. Donald Schumacher, NHPCO president and CEO.

Read this article, “A 2014 Hospice Ad Blitz Launches Amid Obamacare Rollout,” on the Forbes website.

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