The Doula Tool Kit

Categories: Care and Leadership.

Being an end-of-life death doula means opening up the gentle and compassionate places inside of you and sharing them with someone who is dying.

It is being fully present for someone else, honoring and respecting their needs, their space, and their last moments. It is taking a pause at the bedside, remembering that this is not about you. And if asked, you will help to choreograph their last dance in a way that will bring peace to your client and leave beautiful memories for those who are left behind.

We wrote this book because it is something each of us would have liked to have had when we first became doulas.  

We wished we had more support from other doulas who were already doing the work. We needed forms and business tips. We needed ideas and inspiration. We needed to hear what other doulas were doing and follow their lead.

Whether you are a doula, a hospice worker, a caregiver, or someone looking into exploring your own end of life journey, we want this book to help pave the way for you and make your journey a little less complicated. We want to inspire you to do this work well, and to have the information and tools to feel more confident at the bedside. 

In this book we will offer you information about the role of the doula, guides, and templates for first meetings and getting conversations started, tips and tools to tuck away knowing you will reach for them often, and little trinkets and nuggets of things that we have learned and want to pass on to those who feel called to do this work.

I am especially thankful to Diane Button and Angela Shook for our partnership, and for inspiring me on this journey. The book is beautiful, and I am incredibly proud of it.



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